All week I've been watching the weather forecast hoping that there would be some decent riding weather. The forecast for yesterday said that it was going to be in the mid sixties, but with a wind advisory. Wind is the scariest obstacle I've run into on my scooter, but I was hoping that the morning would be tame so I could go for a ride. About 8:00 I got Dixie out and let her run for a little bit and headed off. I rode for a little over an hour and felt the wind start to kick in. I headed home after a ride into the city and then back out to the burbs. Along the way I stopped at an Indian burial ground that I noticed earlier in the year. I'm not sure if this is in the city limits of Columbus. If it isn't, it is probably a mile or two from it. The amusing part to me is that it is named after the family that deeded the land to the Ohio Historical Society. It doesn't seem right. I am including a couple of pictures at the sight and also a picture of Wyatt and Maple as they spotted a squirrel outside the front window. Of course I reprimanded Wyatt for standing on the couch, but I'm not sure that it did any good.
An orange tennis shoe
8 years ago